On 14th January 2020, a group of tourism organisations and individuals signed Tourism Declares — uniting the travel industry in declaring a climate emergency and acting accordingly.

In signing this declaration, I agree to the following five commitments

1. Develop a ‘Climate Emergency Plan’
2. Share my commitment and progress publicly
3. Cut my carbon emissions in line with IPPC advice
4. Work with others in the travel industry
5. Advocate for change throughout the travel industry

What does this mean for me?

For a few years now, a tension has consumed my work and daily thoughts. A tension between something I love – travel and the inspiration it brings, the connections it creates, and its power to renew people and places. And something I know to be true — travel’s ability to destroy local lives, damage nature, and contribute to the biggest crisis of our time, climate change. It’s time to accept the latter, change our habits and let the former thrive. 

I fell into the sustainable travel world off the back of an adventure circumnavigating the world without flying between 2008 – 2010. Many times since then, I’ve considered turning my back on the sustainable travel industry. The more I’ve learnt about the climate crisis, the harder it’s been to stomach the hypocrisy of travelling sustainably. 

However, the passion and commitment that pours out of the people and places doing what’s best, and urgent, for communities, culture, landscapes, wildlife, and, ultimately, the whole planet, pulls me back and fills me with hope.

I write and consult on sustainable travel for a living because I believe that it is more important than ever to direct people towards the most carbon-efficient, sustainable and responsible travel experiences.

I hope to reduce carbon emissions each year by being selective about when and how I travel. This includes:
- Seeking travel opportunities that don’t involve flying, and using alternative transport where possible
- Turning down work that involves excessive flying, or seeking alternative ways of working
- Only promoting travel experiences that have tangible and vital conservation and community value
- Offsetting any emissions I cannot avoid by financially supporting initiatives protecting existing forests and other natural carbon sinks
- Flying no more than once a year for leisure
- Publishing any flights taken on this website
- Promoting flight-free travel as much as possible
- Continuing to educate and spread awareness around travel and carbon emissions including how to cut carbon when choosing where to stay, what to eat, how to get around, and what products to buy
- Monitor and reduce carbon emissions year on year as an individual and a family
- Campaign for change and encourage others to do the same

It’s been great to work with The Long Run to help create its declaration here, and Exodus here. Find out more at www.tourismdeclares.com